About Karallyn

“Kara is an extraordinary woman. She is humble, sincere, caring, and most important….healing. She helped me to focus on my inner soul, who I was, what I needed, what I wanted, and how to get there. She taught me to love myself again….to be true to myself and to reserve so much energy I would just give to others for myself, which in the end made me feel better about myself and the things I was doing in life and more of what I wanted to do in life. Kara helps you see the truth that you may be in denial about accepting or facing head-on. She helped me to recognize the importance of forgiveness for things that may have made me angry. She helped me find my way when I was feeling lost. Best of all, she helped me finally say goodbye to my soul mate, my beloved brother, one who was taken by cancer at far too young of an age. I truly feel that my life has forever been changed by such an amazing woman.”

M. Jacob

Karallyn Streit, CHT, CTRC

Karallyn Streit

Karallyn is a survivor of childhood abuse and neglect, and an adult child of alcoholics who lost her mother to suicide in 1980 when she was just eight years old. Her traumatic childhood inspired her to be a guide for others attempting to heal their lives.

Karallyn’s studies include somatic healing, trauma recovery, energy medicine, Buddhist psychology, inner child healing, transpersonal psychology, parts work, core shamanism, animism, holistic health, consciousness studies, divine feminine archetypal healing, and more.

Karallyn is a poet and a nature lover. She offers teachings taken from her 30 years of spiritual practice and personal healing work and from 23 years of working with others.

She is currently enrolled in the three-year Somatic Experiencing practitioner training program with Somatic Experiencing International, the work of Dr. Peter Levine.

Karallyn is a writer for Spiritual Tree and Being Known on Medium and is a ‘The Mighty’ contributor.

“Be proud of your scars. They have everything to do with your strength, and what you’ve endured. They’re a treasure map to the deep self.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Karallyn Streit on top of the mountains

Me in 2009


“Karallyn is an accomplished healer. I have known her for well over a decade and have witnessed her boundless transformations… from a frightened girl struggling to survive her horrific childhood traumas… to embracing courage and inner strength… and having become the confident woman and exceptional healer that she is today.”

D.W., 2013

I have had the honor of doing healing work with others since 2001.

I lived in the San Francisco Bay area for 25 years and have been living in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina with my husband Steve and our three dogs since 2017. Life is good, and I am happier now at 52 than I have ever been in my life.

I am an empath and a highly sensitive person, and I am intuitive, which means that I feel the emotions and energy of others. My abilities, life experience, and studies come into play with my work as a healer. I feel that my innate abilities are at the core of my work, and the skills that I have learned through training and life experience augment and support them.

Karallyn Streit with nature

A Little About My Journey

I believe that the most adept healers walking the Earth are those who truly have walked their own healing path and overcome personal trauma. We can all learn so much about healing, to be sure, but to walk the path from utter darkness into the light is a whole other story. When we traverse these back roads ourselves, we become very adept at navigating the darkness, the realms that are unseen and unknown to so many, and as a result, we become wonderful way showers for others.

I don’t want to get too much into my history here, for my past is something that I went through and in no way reflects who I have become, but I do feel that it is important to share with those that I am here to help who may have been through similar traumas. I am a survivor of childhood trauma and what has helped me the most are the very tools that I offer my clients and students.

I grew up in an alcoholic family, a child of every kind of abuse: physical, sexual, and emotional abuse as well as neglect. There was no real support and there was constant chaos in my childhood, with no safe people to help me feel loved and cared for. From the beginning, I did not feel safe in the world at all and neither of my parents was there for me emotionally in any way. I felt isolated and alone, and I felt somehow deeply broken.

When I was only eight years old, my mother died by suicide. This was the pivotal event that changed the entire course of my life. Not long after, my father remarried an abusive, mean-hearted woman and things somehow went from bad to worse. Years of mental, and emotional abuse followed, filled with manipulation, gaslighting, control, and domination, and my father sat idly doing nothing to defend or protect me. It was horrific on many levels.

Needless to say, all of these events shaped who I became as a young adult. I had little sense of self and was completely traumatized and without any kind of healthy support or guidance. For years I was stumbling around in the darkness of anxiety, depression, hopelessness, self-hatred, and unresolved grief and trauma. I struggled with addiction and chronic and debilitating fear, and I had many failed relationships. It took me decades to come to terms with my mother’s early death and the abuses that I suffered, but I did. I grieved and finally came to a place of acceptance.

It took me a long time to recognize that the things that I went through shaped me in beneficial and not-so-beneficial ways. How would one benefit from a childhood of trauma and pain? Well…my pain is the very thing that led me on a path of self-healing, self-discovery, self-acceptance, and spirituality, and on the path to becoming a healer. I was so desperate to feel better, you see…I was miserable, and so I did a lot of seeking and healing work that led me to eventually trust myself, trust life, trust my intuition, and other gifts.

To paraphrase the great writer Clarissa Pinkola Estes, the greatest healers are those who learned young, out of necessity through just trying to survive, how to put their ear to the ground to listen for what was coming next. This is the heart of intuition - this kind of deep listening. This is how we survive childhood trauma…we become very good at listening and feeling for what is coming next. We develop our sixth sense out of desperation to survive untenable circumstances. This is how some of the best healers begin, by honing their survival skills in utter chaos and darkness. It’s certainly where mine was born, and for that, I am grateful, as my instincts and intuition have now become my greatest assets.

I am grateful for the opportunity to guide others in reclaiming their power, and I look forward to the chance to support you.

Certifications and Studies


Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Training - Three-year professional training with Dr. Peter Levine and Somatic Experiencing International (Intermediate Year)

Center For Massage & Natural Health - Getting licensed as a massage therapist in North Carolina (I was certified in California in 2001)

Past Training, Certifications, and Experience

Certified Advanced Massage Therapist (Master Bodyworker Program) – (2001) World School of Massage and Holistic Healing Arts

Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Foot Reflexology, Cranial-Sacral Balancing, Shiatsu, Lymphatic Massage, Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy I, II, III & IV

Certified Holistic Health Practitioner – (2002) World School of Massage and Holistic Healing Arts

  • Death, Dying, and How To Really Be Alive

  • Birth, Breath, and Being (Rebirthing)

  • Aromatherapy For Health

  • Flower Essences For Emotional Balance

  • Energy Bodies Awakening

  • Color Healing

  • Sound Healing

  • Holistic Fitness and Nutrition

  • Emotional Let Go-Lab

  • The Power of Language and Communication (Non-Violent Communication)

  • Expression and Leadership

  • Business and Ethics

  • Personal Empowerment Course

Usui Reiki Master Teacher  –

  • Levels I, II & III Master Class (2005) Jill Alstrand

  • A second set of Usui attunements (2009) Foundation of the Sacred Stream (part of Energy Medicine Program)

Certified Hypnotherapist – (2009) Foundation of the Sacred Stream

Depth Hypnosis Practitioner Certification Program (Certified in 2009)

Certified Advanced Shamanism Practitioner

  • Shamanic Journey Course with Michael Harner (2008)

  • Shamanism and Energy Medicine – The Lightbody School (Four Winds Society) (2009)

  • Shamanism I and II

  • Advanced Shamanism

  • Shamanic Counseling

  • Psychopomp and the Guiding of Souls

  • Huna Studies Levels I and II (Hawaiian Shamanism) on the Big Island of Hawaii (2008 and 2010)

  • Shamanic Course in the Orkney Islands, Scotland (2008)

  • Shamanic Course at Mesa Verde (2010) (Sacred Stream)

Energy Medicine Training – (2001 – 2010)

The World School of Massage and Holistic Healing Arts, Foundation of the Sacred Stream, Four Winds Society

Certified Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner — (2008 - 2010)

Foundation of the Sacred Stream and The Four Winds Society

Empowered Living Courses — (2008 - 2010) Foundation of the Sacred Stream

  • Working With Dreams

  • Relationships I, II, III

  • Tracking Spirit in the Birth Environment

  • The Path of Service

  • Initiations of the Sacred Feminine

  • Grief and Loss

  • The Worlds Beyond Death

Life Coach Training – (2014) Coach Training Alliance

Priestess Ordination – (2014 – 2015) 13 Moon Mystery School & Sanctuary of the Open Heart

13-Month Deep Dive Into the Divine Feminine Mysteries

Dedicated Buddhist Practice and Study (Ongoing) (2004 – Present)

  • Daily meditation practice

  • Mindfulness practice

  • Multiple residential meditation retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

  • Ongoing Self-study of Theravada, Mahayana, Tibetan, and Dzogchen lineages

Buddhist Psychology Training and Courses

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course (Rik Center)

  • Buddhist Psychology I and II

  • Advanced Buddhist Psychology Program (Foundation of the Sacred Stream)

Ordained Minister in the spiritual counseling practice of Depth Hypnosis— (2009) Foundation of the Sacred Stream

Further Past Spiritual Studies Include — Vedanta, Sufism, Metaphysical Science

Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremonies (Queen of the Forest: Ayahuasca) – (2014 – 2019) 40 ceremonies

Animist Psychology - (2021) Dr. Daniel Foor (Ancestral Medicine)

Foundations of Ritual - (2021) Dr. Daniel Foor (Ancestral Medicine)

Certified Trauma Recovery Coach - (2021) IAOTRC - International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaches

Earth-Rooted Leadership Intensive - Sister Stone (August 2021)

Entering the Healing Ground - Grief tending/ritual training with Francis Weller, author of “The Wild Edge of Sorrow”

Current training in 2024

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Training Program (Intermediate Year) with Somatic Experiencing International

Center For Massage & Natural Health - Getting certified as a massage therapist in North Carolina (I was certified in California in 2001)