
Colleague Endorsement

“I’ve been in rigorous esoteric workshops, retreats, and gatherings with Kara for the past five years or so. She’ll break every internalized stereotype you ever had. She is an old soul who not only went to hell and back in this life, I’m sure that her wisdom, expansive love, powerful magical healing touch, and natural shamanic know-how are an accumulation of what she endured in previous lifetimes just as bad or far worse – and yet, here she is! Exuberant, joyful, compassionate, fierce, glorious. I’m certain that there is absolutely nothing that you could bring to her that won’t shrink in her presence.”

Loraine Van Tuyl Ph.D., CHT, Holistic Psychologist, Spiritual Teacher, Shamanic Healer

Client Testimonials

“Kara has been extremely helpful to me during a time of upheaval and transition. She has done soul retrieval work and reconnected me to feelings of calm and power. She is skilled at listening and observing what is happening on many different levels. She has helped me to calm down my energy and also listen to my inner voice. I would recommend her to anyone needing support or clarity in the face of life challenges and confusion or needing an energetic reset. Undoubtedly one of the most talented and perceptive spiritual guides I have met.”

Lisa Z.

“I've been working with Kara for more than 6 years, and have experienced consistent healing of deep and long-standing emotional issues. Kara has excellent training, well-developed counseling and coaching skills, and deep empathic and intuitive insights. The combination results in effective, compassionate coaching that facilitates healing and personal growth. I recommend her services to anyone serious about their emotional healing and growth.”

Shirley B.

“Kara is a fantastic therapist and healer. I have been doing sessions with her for about three years now.  She is intuitive, kind, and patient.

I had been in talk therapy for many years and felt that I was not benefiting from it anymore and we had reached an impasse.  Back in 2015, I was introduced to Kara, and with her unique approach I began to see things shift.  Kara taught me tools that in turn helped to deal with behaviors and anxiety affecting my everyday life and decision-making. I can't thank her enough for her wonderful guidance.”


“Kara has been a huge help and blessing in my life. I had tried all of the traditional methods to deal with my depression and anger and just was not making any progress. Because of my children, it became imperative that I get help fast before my issues became their issues. I tried Depth Hypnosis in pure desperation with little belief in its efficacy. In working with Kara I noticed an immediate improvement. Kara knows how to get to the root of issues and helps you to change your core beliefs. My 12-year-old daughter is now seeing Kara and I am amazed at the improvements I see in her confidence and outlook on life! In addition, Kara is like a caring, smart friend who always has good advice for life’s little problems, from solving health issues to finding lost pets! This work with Kara is not easy, but it does work. What more can you ask for?"

Sheila P.

“Kara is an insightful and warm healer. We worked together for almost two years and as I started feeling better and more together, our weekly sessions decreased to every two weeks. I can’t say enough good things about the place I am in my life with Kara’s help in guiding me to find my voice, my worth, and my power. I am 51 and would like anyone who is seeking help to know it’s never too late to begin the work! Kara is wonderful…you deserve her help.”

Kathryn M.

“Kara has been extremely helpful to me during a time of upheaval and transition. She has done soul retrieval work and reconnected me to feelings of calm and power. She is skilled at listening and observing what is happening on many different levels. She has helped me to calm down my energy and also listen to my inner voice. I would recommend her to anyone needing support or clarity in the face of life challenges and confusion or needing an energetic reset. Undoubtedly one of the most talented and perceptive spiritual guides I have met.”

Lisa Z.

“Karallyn is a very gifted healer. I came to her during a dark time in my life. I felt stuck and confused and I was worried that I may never find my way out. After my session with Karallyn, I felt like I could breathe for the first time in years. She helped remove something dark and heavy and helped to bring back pieces of myself that were lost.

She is intuitive and has a calm and solid presence, which put me at ease. I left feeling hopeful, feeling empowered, and like I finally had closure on some of the things that have haunted me for decades. I am, and will always be, grateful for the help she gave me.”

Molly G.

“I had been suffering from depression and anxiety for years when I started seeing Kara. She helped me identify distinct moments in my childhood that were the root of my pain. She helped me heal that little girl who was hurt which subsequently healed my adult psychic wounds. She also taught me how to access my unconscious mind to help me understand the problems and dilemmas that I face in my daily life. I can honestly say that I haven't been depressed since I completed my work with Kara. She truly changed my life.”

Tina O.

“I have worked with Kara for over two years and consider her to be one of the most transformative healers I have ever worked with. Her broad range of skills and many years of experience in addressing the mental, physical, and energetic bodies of her clients give her a level of pragmatism and flexibility that is rare in the healing community and highly effective at treating the individual on a holistic level. My work with Kara has helped me to recover from years of abuse and emotional imbalance. The road to recovery is winding and sometimes challenging, but Kara is always able to meet me wherever I am and provide the help and healing that I most need. She has helped me change my life in an empowering and compassionate way. I am truly grateful to have worked with her.”

Denise C.

"I have known Kara since the early stages of starting her business as a massage therapist, Reiki Master, hypnotherapist, life Coach, classes in Shamanism, and actually becoming a healer myself.

Kara has been more helpful than I can put into words. I started my first counseling session with all my questions and concerns, setting intentions and goals while working together. She made it safe, easy, and comfortable to open up. She Taught me to journey within myself where all the answers await. Each session was deep, powerful, inspiring, and life-changing.

I feel so blessed to have had all 3 Reiki attunements with Kara. Each time was incredibly mystical and a deeply spiritual experience. The class was done in a small group setting, which made it feel intimate and very comfortable. I felt surrounded by love, compassion, and kindness. After this experience, I have since felt profoundly connected to everyone and everything surrounding me. She has changed my life, which has opened me up to help others to change their lives.

I HIGHLY recommend contacting her, attending classes/workshops, or one-on-one sessions.  It is truly a life-changing experience."

Angelina C.

“Kara is super keen, tough, and really supportive. She recently helped me through a difficult life transition that had dragged out for years and was long overdue. Even after our sessions she followed up with me and was really quick to respond when I needed to see her. Some of the sessions were fairly intense for me, but every time I walked out my eyes had been opened more to the truth of the situation I had been dealing with. When she says she’ll help you she really will. Kara is the bee’s knees!”

Meredith A.

“After many years of suffering from debilitating depression and anxiety, and after several tries with different forms of therapy, I spent two years in the deepest depression I had known. Urged by my family, I began the search for a coach and found Kara. Kara is a warm, unconditionally loving, and accepting person, free of judgment, and she doesn’t subscribe to convention. A clear departure from the cold and clinical therapeutic setting I had grown accustomed to. I quickly began sessions every two weeks and with her support and my honest willingness to look at myself and come to terms with the thoughts that had held me captive for years, I was able to break down mental and emotional barriers and finally find peace within myself…

The work I have done with Kara has changed my life, down to the core of my being. Kara is truly doing the work she is meant to be doing, and I am so grateful to be a part of that. I am proud to say that today I love myself and I embrace all my differences, which make me who I am. Words could never adequately express what Kara has done for me and I will forever be grateful to her.“

Ellen H.

“Kara is one of the most memorable people I have met! I am so thankful I have her in my life to guide me through my struggles. She has helped me get through my anxiety and depression.

Through our work together, I was able to deal with many internal issues. I learned more about myself after each session. I look forward to seeing Kara at every session. It seems there is always something interesting that occurs or a new important discovery to be realized.

I think it was a blessing to have seen Kara’s ad on Yelp. I have seen many mental health professionals and they have not helped me as much as Kara has, and I have only seen her for a month now.

If you need therapy help, you need to see Kara. She is very welcoming and understanding – two very important qualities I look for in a therapist. You are missing out if you pass up on getting help from her.”

Rima N.

“Kara was amazing! We did 3 sessions together where she guided me to get to the root of my problems. She helped me to unlock an indescribable amount of self-love and compassion that is so important to living a peaceful, joyful, and spiritual life. I always felt 100% comfortable with her, and she was very helpful and nonjudgemental towards my issue. For my fourth and final session, we did a past life regression that was extremely insightful and amazing. Everyone has different experiences with PLR, but it reminded me a lot of a lucid dreaming experience. It was very emotional during and after the PLR, but I'm extremely glad that I did it. I would recommend Kara to anyone/everyone. She is especially a good fit if you are interested in Eastern philosophy/spirituality.”

William E.

“I came to Kara during a big turning point in my life. Though I was on the path, I knew I needed some spiritual support to address some really dark spiritual history. As a result of our sessions, I gained strength, confidence, wisdom, and skills to address future challenges. Kara was kind, intelligent, nonjudgmental, and grounded. I think I most appreciated her frank way of communicating with me and I never felt like she was stringing me along. She was always very clear about meeting my goals and then moving on or closing from there. I always really looked forward to our sessions. She was an integral part of my journey.”

Natalia M.

“I'm so glad that I met Kara. From the very first session her warmth, compassion, level of understanding, extraordinary listening skills, and calming nature put me at ease and I knew that I had come to the right place to heal. Kara takes a holistic approach to healing, which I feel is lacking with most healers. She is a well-rounded practitioner. She gets to the heart of the matter and is great at asking pointed questions to get me to look at my way of being and to be able to let go of what no longer serves me. At the end of each session, Kara was great about providing exercises to solidify what was done during the session and to carry over into my daily life. Kara is a wonderful therapist - a very special healer!"


“I don’t have words to accurately describe how much my life has changed for the better since beginning work with Kara. My life and attitude have rotated 180° and have much more inner peace and confidence as a result. Kara is an extremely gifted healer and coach and has the ability to help you make incredible transformations in your life, she’s not only great at what she does, but she’s great at what she is. I find her to be a true inspiration and model of what I can hopefully become someday.

I never write reviews, ever. But the world needs to know how amazing and transforming Kara’s work can be. She’s the best.”

Clare M.

“Working with Kara has been absolutely life-changing for me. I started with Women’s Circle, and I am now working with her 1:1. Her kindness and compassion have created a safe space for me to process this new spiritual journey I am on, but she does not shy away from the hard conversations when they are needed in our sessions. In circles, her wisdom and sensitivity are unmatched. I was honestly afraid to sit in circle and share with strangers, but in a matter of minutes, those strangers became sisters because of the space Kara creates and holds.”

Christi G.

“I'm a deeply spiritual person and given the last couple of years there has been a huge block that I needed help with that was dampening my life. I highly recommend Kara’s services if you're having any kind of block or need any kind of help emotionally or spiritually. She's a master in her craft, knows how to get to the core of the matter, and will lovingly hold space for you to feel what you need to feel to get through what you need to get through. Thank you again for sharing your gifts and helping me in my spiritual healing.”

Allison J.

“I feel very grateful for my sessions with you. I have learned a lot, and you have given me great tools to use. Thank you for making me feel safe during our sessions- I really felt like I could say everything that I wanted to say, and that everything was ok. It is so nice to sit with a therapist who is as passionate and motivated as you. Thank you for your guidance, compassion, and your genuine interest in me and my journey.”

Mathilde M.

“Kara’s insights were always spot-on. She honed in on what was going on with me and gave me many ‘aha!’ moments. As a result, I was able to work on issues and see positive results.  She knew things that would have taken me a lot of time and misery to figure out myself.

I heartily recommend Kara. She’s professional and enthusiastic. Her listening skills are sharp. When she speaks it is always to the point and with a touch of humor when needed. She is a gem.”

Jonee S.

“I can’t help but realize how much change has happened with me since I was meeting with you regularly. You made such a huge impact on me and helped me so much. Thank you. I am stronger in my journey than I ever could have been without your guidance.”

Melissa B.

“I could not be more thankful for my experience with Kara. She helped me greatly with my anxiety & many other physical & emotional difficulties in my life. She maintains a kind, supportive, & professional environment. I highly recommend her!”

Jenny F.

"Kara is such a beautiful spiritual intuitive and guide! She has led me on many journeys of breakthrough through personal sessions and women's moon circles. These monthly moon circles have truly changed my life. I finally feel like I have the community and support (specifically from other women) that I always hoped for. Kara does such a wonderful job at uniting us, leading us, and encouraging us forward in each cycle of the month. I'm forever grateful to have found this talented woman and get to continuously work with her."

Monique J.

“Researching the many therapists, healers, and shamans in the Bay Area to choose from, Kara stood out to me for the journey she overcame to get to where she is today. I saw in Kara's bio a person who is authentic, relatable, and human just like me, and someone I felt comfortable opening up about my innermost struggles with. This trust I had in Kara allowed me to be honest with myself to get to the root of real healing. It was magical. Also, expect some heartfelt connection, laughs... and a profound dose of spiritual wisdom. Forever thankful!”

Stefan G.

"Working with you helped me to move through my past and a lot of difficult emotions… From holding me in that space and helping me work through it I feel so much more capable and able to move through this world with my feet firmly planted on the ground. Thank you for how you helped me to acknowledge myself and transform. "
Kacie Q.

“I can’t recommend Kara enough! She has helped me heal from 9 years of Epstein Bar virus and has completely changed the way I live my day-to-day life. I saw Kara for treatment as I was healing from an autoimmune disease. She taught me techniques and practices that have not only brought me healing but have given me the peace and space to truly feel comfortable being who I am. She understands how healing works on a holistic level and she teaches you how to put this into practice for yourself. I’ve seen about a dozen doctors over 9 years… therapists, immunologists, specialists, surgeons, applied kinesiologists, medical intuitive, etc. and they’ve all been useful and have served a purpose, but Kara is a powerful healer who has taught me how to exercise my own healing force within myself at will.

Please don’t pass up the opportunity to work with her. I feel that everyone can benefit from the knowledge and practices that Kara has to offer!”

Bijan S.

“Kara is an exceptionally skilled and talented healer. She is very firm and nice and has been able to help me solve MASSIVE issues in just a few sessions together and I eagerly look forward to working more with her (I have needed a lot of help!) Kara is empathetic, kind, and caring as well as firm when that is the best way to be. She is truly a gem - if you have any issues that you need help with I STRONGLY recommend working with Kara!!!!!!”

Mary C.

“Working with Karallyn guided me to see what I could not see on my own. It is hard to describe what our sessions were because they were so personal to my journey, but if you work with her, or walk in her space, you will know what I mean. She is brave and bright and helped me see that I am too. I felt supported and seen throughout our time together. She challenged me, invited me, and called to the parts of me that had not seen the light in generations.”

Rachel C.

“This woman changed my life. If you are ready to do some REAL work on yourself and lead a healthy life then she's the person to go to. With truth as the guiding force, Kara provided me with tools to help deal with extreme anxiety. With a rough upbringing, I have sought counseling throughout my life which is probably upwards of over 20 practitioners and I have to say her approach has been the most successful out of them all.”

Amber M.

“My time with Kara was both eye-opening and healing. The key for me was being honest and open with her about my confusion, pain, and sadness from where I was in my life (embroiled in my quarter-life crisis) so that she could speak to my real state, rather than the one I had made up to hide behind. Kara was unceasingly kind and taught me so much about safety and loving myself. No single experience in my life has taught me as much as she did, or gotten me further along the path to loving who I really am.”

Jessica B.

“As other clients have mentioned in their raving reviews, Kara is a beautifully powerful healer. She helped me unveil some very deeply rooted beliefs I've apparently been holding on to my whole life that have limited me on my path. Kara guided me through a profound and transformational process in which I was fully engaged. She helped me understand my areas of resistance and how to connect to the root "mother" issues and the source of my chronic health ailments. With her guidance, I was able to reach some pretty profound "Aha" moments that cracked me wide open, and felt like I had figured out how to turn the key to self-discovery and deeper healing. No doubt, it's a life-long work in progress, but this has been a game-changer in how I perceive myself and how to navigate moving forward. I'm still processing our healing sessions and using the tools she has provided (I recommend recording your sessions with her if you can). Kara is so knowledgeable, empathetic, and loving- and her balanced, multi-dimensional approach is uniquely amazing. I feel uplifted and empowered! She's golden.”

Jacqueline S.

"Kara consistently demonstrates a unique blend of what I call 'toughness and tenderness'. She is very compassionate yet at times graciously bold. Kara is very insightful and competent regarding human behavior and how to assist physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering. I believe that Kara is especially talented and gifted and appreciate her help.” 

Sunshine P.

“Just to be clear – this is the first testimonial I have ever written and I am happy to share with you my profound experience of healing with Kara. I became aware of the increasing negative energy surrounding certain situations in my life and I wanted it to go away, in a hurry. After I Googled hypnotherapists and read about Kara, I knew she was the person I needed to see. Every moment I spent with her has been beneficial. In the first and second sessions, she was able to eliminate that negative energy that I so disliked- which felt wonderful to be free of. I then chose to continue my sessions with her to assist me with some other attachments in my life that I wanted to distance from. I found my objectives were always met through her therapy and I knew that she was literally with me every step of the way during the process. I always felt safe and secure with her and even though my sessions were extremely emotional for me it was reassuring to know that I was in her safe hands. All I can tell you is that she is amazing and gifted. I highly recommend Kara and encourage you to take a step as I did that was very different and new – and let her assist you with achieving your goals. My results were immediate and I will not hesitate to call upon her for my possible future needs. I am so happy and grateful to have found Kara and to have her in my life.”


“I decided to contact Kara after feeling like I had tried everything to stop a nervous habit of picking my cuticles that I had for over 20 years. During those twenty years, I felt like I had tried everything from physical barriers, distractions, manicures, counseling with a therapist, and ignoring my problem. Initially, I wasn’t very hopeful, since nothing I had tried in the past had worked. The key, however, was that I had an open mind and I was willing to trust Kara and the process that we went through. I was thrilled that over the course of a few sessions, I started to see significant improvements in my overall state of mind and ultimately I was able to conquer my nervous habit. I am grateful for the help that Kara gave me, and although there are times that the urge creeps up on me to fall back into my old habit, I have been able to use the techniques that Kara has taught me to overcome the nervous urge.”

Audrey P.

“Meditation and Buddhist practices have been a new journey for me over the past 5 years. I was brought up in the Catholic church and found as I approached age 25 or so, so much of my self-talk, which used to serve me, was now destroying my well-being and happiness. It's a difficult task to change the stories you tell yourself, just a little bit more difficult than simply recognizing the thoughts that accompany my day are mostly stories. Kara not only made me feel proud and worthy of this journey but has been helpful in accelerating a few areas where I was feeling stuck. I ALWAYS left my connections with Kara feeling more empowered, more informed, and feeling lighter. What a beautiful way Kara has about her to help us honor what's important but also not feel burdened and overwhelmed. For whatever journey you're on, whether you struggling or not, Kara is an excellent resource to help lift you onto whatever is next for you.”

Jacquelene G.

“I have been feeling very good lately and continue to feel better every day thanks to the many lessons I have learned from working with you. I feel very happy and blessed to have met you and to learn from you. My life, mind, and connection with myself and the world around me have changed for the better. I feel a strong sense of confidence and peace that is coming from within me that I have never had before. This is a great feeling to have. I feel very grateful for my experience with you and for your support and guidance. I thank you for all your help.” 

Lallaine D.

“Over the last year, I found myself becoming increasingly depressed as part of a delayed grieving process over my son’s death several years earlier. I felt that taking antidepressants wasn’t the right path for me. I needed to be spiritually released from my sorrow. After two sessions with Kara, my depression completely went away. By my third session, most of my anxiety was gone as well.
I am so truly grateful to Kara for her help. I feel like there is hope again and am open to all of the joys and lessons that life brings. I recommend her services to anyone, regardless of how small or large the problem is.”

Lisa E.

“My experience with Kara has been richly rewarding. She is a loving and gifted spiritual teacher and guide. She is perceptive and insightful and has helped me discover practical tools for me to use along my journey, like the concept of learning to accept and love aspects of myself that I am less than pleasant. Kara has introduced me to my spirit guides whom I can call upon in difficult situations. I have learned so much from this lovely lady that I can’t even put it into words. I am grateful for Kara and highly recommend her to consult for any of life’s challenges.”

Elizabeth M.

“I saw Karallyn while visiting Asheville for a few days of R&R before the culmination of a major project I'd been working on for several years. Her intuitive coaching and energy healing helped me to move through a major fear blockage and bring clarity where I'd been lacking it. I am a practitioner myself and have been on the spiritual path for many years. Along with providing a fresh perspective, Karallyn leaned into her own unique intuitive gifts and training to know exactly the medicine I needed at the time. I highly recommend her as she is a gifted multidimensional healer.”

Kristie C.

“Kara is wonderful and so tremendously helpful. She is warm and welcoming and a great listener. Her process helps to unlock and heal those hidden wounds we all carry around inside. She provided me with tools and guidance to make significant life changes that have improved my quality of life! I would highly recommend Kara.”

Heidi M.

“Kara is an amazing person. I started going to her because something was missing in my life, I felt I was on the wrong track and that there was no reason for me to be so unhappy in both my personal and professional life. She has helped me in all aspects of my life and I will continue to see her. It is an hour a week where I get all of my thoughts and feelings together and figure out what I want and where I am going. Awesome!”


“I am on a path of self-growth and awakening, and I have now had four sessions with Kara, and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart – she is amazing, and her work is transforming. Every session I walk out with some big “ah-ha”, tool or having some deep pattern in me healed.

If you want peace – call Kara. Period.”

Anastasia N.

"I appreciate your ongoing commitment to bringing your best and clearest presence to our work. You consistently create a safe, sacred space that allows me to look into uncomfortable places and return healed and re-energized. Thank you!”


“I have so much gratitude for Kara and her guidance through my personal challenges. I recommend her to anyone who is looking to grow out of their repetitive cycles of pain.”


“I had been ill since October of 2005. My physicians had been of no help – leaving me undiagnosed, suffering, and in pain. It devastated my life in many ways – I couldn’t work, I couldn’t go out, I couldn’t pay my bills. I couldn’t even spend time with my son, who left a very big hole in my heart. I tried acupuncture, chiropractic care, relaxation, and new doctors, all with little success. Then something told me to call Kara – I don’t know why I picked her, but something told me to call her.

First of all, she is a warm and caring person. She told me we should try energy healing, and I began noticing after a while that I didn’t need to see her as much. The time in between visits was getting longer, I was getting stronger, and the pain was much less intense. My doctor found two lumps of scar tissue that had been causing my pain – he said the only way to eliminate them would be surgery. A month later, I saw him for pre-op, and he was stunned when he realized that the scar tissue had flattened out, and surgery was no longer necessary.
Call it what you like, but I believe that God sent me to Kara, and through her, she has helped me.”

Pam D.

“Kara has a beautiful spirit and has helped me so much! I don’t have anxiety attacks anymore and no longer look for the worst in situations. She is amazing and the tools she gives you work. I was originally reluctant to do some of the work but once I started I found it very enjoyable and extremely valuable. Kara is amazing. She is sincere in wanting to help and can really help guide you through anything. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone especially if you think nothing works. She can make a difference.”

Megan A.

"I started working with Kara in 2016 after developing severe anxiety. Right away, I knew she would be my 'person' due to her skillful use of a unique and effective mix of holistic healing tools. She helped me to arrive at a new level of thriving in the world, and continues to be my chosen healer - and likely will be for years to come."

“I had several sessions with Kara in 2011 to quit smoking, and they were very helpful. After almost two decades of addiction, Kara helped me deconstruct my past and the issues surrounding my desire to smoke. Six months later, I’ve gone from a pack-a-day habit to no cigarettes in almost 6 weeks! In addition to conquering my cigarette habit, Kara taught me how to look at my past and present in a more constructive way. I highly recommend Kara’s services for anyone wanting to change their own life for the better.”

Christine D.